Filorga 菲洛嘉 十全大补面膜套装2*50ml+提拉紧致塑颜霜套装

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Filorga - Meso Mask (50ml) Duo + FREE Filorga Lift Structure Gift Set

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套装包含:Filorga 菲洛嘉 赋活洁肤卸妆精华液 - 50ml + Filorga 菲洛嘉 提拉紧致塑颜精华 - 7ml + Filorga 菲洛嘉 睛采靓丽360眼霜 - 4ml + Filorga 菲洛嘉 提拉紧致塑颜晚霜 - 7ml 

The Meso Mask is a renowned facial mask created by Filorga. It is formulated with a combination of active ingredients that aim to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. The mask helps to hydrate, brighten, and revitalize the complexion, giving it a more youthful and radiant look.

The Meso Mask Duo includes two Meso Mask products, which provide you with multiple applications for an extended skincare routine. This allows you to continue reaping the benefits of the mask over a period of time.

Additionally, the package includes a free gift set.

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