ManicPanic mp染发膏 - 摇滚蓝 Rockabilly Blue (3x118ml)
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Manic Panic - High Voltage Semi-Permanent Hair Colour Cream - Rockabilly Blue (3x118ml)
1.物理上色 上色过程只停留于头发表面,染后秀发柔顺健康有光泽。有效防止头发曲裂分叉
2.纯植物萃取 含芦荟、蛇麻,洋甘菊,合成蜂胶形成秀发保护膜,染色同时由内而外滋养秀发
3. 温和无刺激 安全无味成分温和,不含P_苯二胺、间苯二酚、甲醛等有害物质,几乎无味,染发更安心不刺激
4.发色持久 天然植物萃取着色,渗透到头发皮质层,发色更持久
Beginning in 1977, our vivid rainbow colour dyes were one of the first products to be sold at a bespoke boutique on St. Mark’s Place.
In the 90s, due to heightened demand, distribution of our products expanded tremendously.
Our ingredients are both Vegan
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