睫毛着色剂,是Eylure公司的一项全新创新。Pro- Lash新的硝酸银染发剂是新一代的颜色,特别是为染眼睫毛而开发。
最持久的硝酸银染睫剂是一种无需混合的配方。只需涂抹颜色,然后再涂抹显影剂。有两种颜色可供选择: 黑色和棕色。
Eyelash Tint, a brand new innovation from Eylure. Pro- Lash new silver nitrate dylash is a new generation of colors especially developed for to tint eyelashes.
The longest lasting Silver Nitrate lash dye is a no mixing formula. Simply apply the color, and then apply the developer. Available in two shades: Black and Brown.