富有诗意的名字"影中之水",浪漫的让人想起在水岸边翠绿繁茂的花园中,同时记录了三位创办人的美好回忆。某次这位好友为了制作果酱和花束而去采集黑醋栗与玫瑰时,她发现了双手沾满了结合这两种植物芬芳的惊人香气,黑醋栗沙沙作响的鲜嫩叶片与玫瑰甜美的馥郁芬芳,让创办人之一的 Desmond Knox-Leet 兴奋地决定要调制一款持续保存此香氛的香水。
Telling the story of daydreams, a calm river, a summer slumber under a weeping willow... Roses and blackcurrant berries gathered into a perfume: the herbaceousness of blackcurrant leaves, the acidulated fruity accents of buds and the floral intensity of the rose. A nature-filled moment to savour.