Philips 飞利浦 充电式声波震动牙刷 黑色 HX6800/44

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Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean model 4300 Electric Toothbrush, Black HX6800/44

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比手动牙刷高出 7 倍的牙菌斑清除效果:排列紧密的高质量刷毛可比手动牙刷去除多达 7 倍的牙菌斑。同时,特殊弯曲的仪器头可轻松清洁口腔深处。 安全且柔和地清洁敏感部位、畸齿矫正和口腔治疗的部位。您可以尽享安全的刷牙体验:我们的声波技术适用于牙齿矫正、补牙、齿冠和烤瓷牙,有助于预防蛀牙并改善牙龈健康。 飞利浦 Sonicare 先进的声波技术。飞利浦 Sonicare 先进的声波技术在牙齿之间喷射脉冲水流,其刷牙振动过程可使牙菌斑分裂,并将其清除,从而实现出色的日常清洁效果。 提醒您是否用力过猛。用力过猛会损坏您的牙齿和牙龈。为了防止此情况,飞利浦 Sonicare ProtectiveClean 会发出轻微的脉冲音,以提醒您减轻压力。 连接智能刷柄和智能刷头。支持微芯片技术,能够检测并同步智能刷头与智能刷柄。智能刷柄和智能刷头组合功能强大,具有智能更换提醒功能。 始终了解何时更换您的刷头。随着时间的推移,所有的刷头都会磨损。但我们的 BrushSync 技术可以追踪您使用刷头的时间以及您刷牙的力度。需要更换刷头时,刷柄上的指示灯和短暂的蜂鸣音会对您进行提醒。如此一来,您就能确保您的刷头正常工作。 鼓励您彻底刷牙。需要一款带计时器的电动牙刷?当您消耗了足够的时间对口腔进行彻底清洁后,我们的 QuadPacer 会提示您;当您已刷牙时间达到建议的 2 分钟后,我们的 Smartimer 会提示您。

Up to 7x more plaque removal than a manual toothbrush

Densely-packed, high-quality bristles remove up to 7 x more plaque than a manual toothbrush. And the specially curved power tip makes reaching the teeth at the back of your mouth a breeze.

Safe and gentle on sensitive areas, orthodontics and dental work

You can be sure of a safe brushing experience: our sonic technology is suitable for use with braces, fillings, crowns and veneers, and helps prevent cavities and improve gum health.

Philips Sonicare's advanced sonic technology

Philips Sonicare's advanced sonic technology pulses water between your teeth, and its brush strokes break plaque up and sweep it away for an exceptional daily clean.

Lets you know when you're pressing too hard

You may not notice if you're brushing too hard, but pressure sensor on your electric toothbrush will. If you start taking it out on your gums, the toothbrush will make a pulsing sound as a reminder to ease off on the pressure.

Connects smart brush handle and smart brush heads

A microchip-enabled technology that detects and synchronises the smart brush head with the smart handle. The smart handle and smart brush head pair is a powerful combination that enables Smart replacement reminders.

Always know when to replace your brush heads

All brush heads wear out over time. But our BrushSync technology tracks how long you've been using your brush head for, and how hard you've been brushing. When it's time to replace it, a light on your handle and a short beep will let you know. That way, you can be sure your brush head is doing a good job.

Encouragement to brush thoroughly

Our QuadPacer lets you know when you've spent just the right amount of time cleaning each part of your mouth, while our Smartimer tells you when you've brushed for the recommended two minutes.

A great way to get used to your new toothbrush

Starting something new can take getting used to. That's why our easy-start programme gives you the option of a gradual, gentle increase in brushing power the first 14 times you use your new toothbrush.

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