科颜氏水感防晒隔离乳SPF50+ PA++++ ,防晒黑,抗氧化,抗污染,为肌肤提供广卓效防护!
- 核心专研麦色滤(Mexoryl)防晒体系,真实广谱防护;
- 防晒伤,防晒黑,防晒斑,防晒老;卓效阻击光老化,持续使用肌肤更显年轻;对内抗氧化,对外防污染
【科技升级】添加净化颗粒Cellulospheres, 吸附肌肤表面污染物,阻断其被肌肤吸收并造成氧化损伤
- 清爽控油不油腻,广谱防晒;
- 不添加任何香料与色素
- 添加维生素E,舒缓抗氧成膜快;
- 敏感肌同样适用
Formulated with a 100% mineral based filter. A lightweight, gentle lotion for sensitive and acne prone skin. Lightly tinted to enhance the natural skin tone. Delivers powerful UVA and UVB protection that helps prevent premature skin ageing caused by the sun wrinkles, sagging, dark spots. Infused with antioxidant powered vitamin E, this formula helps fight the effects of damaging free radicals.