Guerlain 娇兰御廷兰花卓能焕活修护精华液 30ml

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Guerlain - Orchidée Impériale The Longevity Concentrate Serum (30ml)

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珍稀兰花品种是御廷兰花系列的核心成分。兰花是世界上进化程度较高的植物之一,素以其非凡生命力闻名于世。为了发掘兰花的焕活潜能,法国娇兰创立了其一个兰花研究平台。 全新御廷兰花卓能焕活修护精华液,在娇兰第四代非凡兰花能量的基础上,新添珍贵油莎草精粹及蔷薇果精粹。油莎草精粹,能支撑起肌肤的致密饱满。蔷薇果精粹含有类黄酮等多种活性分子,可有效改善毛孔。 功效:在焕醒肌肤生命活力的同时,通过点、线、面、体,撑起肌肤的饱满弧度。各种岁月痕迹由此得以改善:减淡皱纹和细纹,肌肤紧致弹嫩,肤色均匀,绽放光采。每一寸肌肤仿佛充满着年轻气息。 点:细致毛孔 线:淡化细纹 面:紧致轮廓 体:立体饱满 使用方法:每天早晚,于御廷兰花卓能焕活精粹水之后、御廷兰花面霜之前使用。按照以下的法国娇兰护肤中心特别按摩手法,加强精华液的立体修护功效: 1. 从脸部中央不断轻柔地打圈向外按摩推抹,直至颈部。 2 . 捏着肌肤,手腕转四分之一圈。在脸部各处反复同一动作。 3. 双手置于脸部下方呈V字形,如波浪般向上摆动按压。 4 . 以指尖轻拍全脸。 Guerlain Orchidée Impériale The Longevity Concentrate targets the areas where youthful volume has been lost, for redensified, flawless skin. The duo of orchids at the heart of the highly concentrated Cell Respiration technology regulates the level of oxygen in the skin cells. The cells can breathe again and maximise energy production which boosts cell regeneration for a visible reduction in the signs of ageing. This technology is combined with the redensifying action of a natural origin ingredient - tigernut extract, which strengthens the structure and cohesion of the fibres supporting the skin. The youthful volume appears to be recreated, the contours of the face more defined, wrinkles are filled out and pores refined with each application. The skin perfecting effect is down to the action of a rose hip extract that minimises the slackening of the pores and makes them less visible. The skin is unified and radiant.
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